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Flutter the Bat can be posed in unlimited ways. Use your imagination.
Collectible art - Flutter the Bat - 3d cloth fantasy sculpture.
Magical, mystical creations by Jane Darin. Flutter the bat, part of the butterfly series.
Fine crafts, commissions, portrait cloth dolls by Jane Darin.
Flutter the Bat, fantasy figurative sculpture in cloth, textiles, muweum quality art work.
A fantasy version of a bat called Flutter, magic, mystery, whimsey.
A bat?," you say. I bet you have never seen a bat like this one. Right? 
Although bats are not usually this colorful, Flutter breaks all the rules. She can be awake during the day; she can stand on her feet. She can remind you that you there are times when you can break the rules also.
She is a reminder to celebrate life . . .

An admirer says, "I wanted to tell you 
what joy and inspiration I felt as I 
just took a lengthy and leisurely visit 
on your web page. Wow!  Your stuff 
is really art and really exceptional."
                    Vikki Murray

Flutter sold for $900.00  


  • Size: 13" tall 
  • Face: needle sculpted imported Swiss Pima cotton knit, hand painted  
  • Base: fabric, wire, wood, wire flower 
  • Series: Butterfly Experience
  • Jointing: waxen linen thread, buttons
  • Hair: mohair


When I went to the Butterfly Encounter at the San Diego Wild Animal Park, I was excited by the idea of having a butterfly land on my hand and getting to see it up close. They are such beautifully colorful creatures.

I had wanted to make a bat for some time because my friend Janell Cannon had written a children's book about a fruit bat. So, these two ideas came together in Flutter. I wanted her to have colorful wings and a deep nighttime color for a face.

I made a full sized hand for the base to represent the idea of holding a live butterfly (in this case a bat) on your hand.

Flutter was part of the IDEX art installation. To see photos of that FOLLOW ME HERE.


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