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I Remember I Can Fly - a fantasy figure in cloth to remind you to fly every day.
Museum quality artwork, contemporary arts, collectibles, fine crafts.
Fantasy figures sculpted in cloth. Art collections, commissions available.
Online art galleries, mosern arts, wings dedicated to a canary.
One of a Kind imaginative fantasy figures sculpted in cloth.
I Remember I Can Fly, gallery art created by Jane Darin. Three dimensional artwork designed and finely crafted by jane Darin. Contemporary collectible finely crafted art work by Jane Darin. Magical, mystical fantasy art for collectors of the fine arts.
I Remember I Can Fly to remind you that you can fly in your daily life.
Have you ever dreamed of flying? I have and when I woke up I think about how wonderful it would be to be able to fly when I'm awake? I try to remember the rush of excitement as I rise above the Earth and float, weightless and without effort. There's no feeling like it.

To me, this is a profound and perhaps a frightening piece as well because it seems to be asking me, "Between birth (the cage and enclosed eggs) and death (the skull) what are you doing with your time? It's a question I can't answer yet.

Is it a question you ask yourself? Do you have an answer? My guru, Sathya Sai Baba, says that we must not waste one moment. Human birth is precious. He says that even the angels are jealous of a human's chance to life on Earth. 

A Collector of my work says: 
"I am so proud to own one of Jane Darin's 
one of a kind soft sculpture dolls. 
I enjoy her creations because they tell 
a story and have meaning."
                             Annie Fisher, Denver, CO

She is sold.  $1,620.00  

  • Size: 12" tall  figure; 13" overall

  • Face: needle sculpted imported Swiss Pima cotton knit, hand painted  

  • Base: wood, fabric, wire armature 

  • Accessories: bird cage of wood and metal, canary wings, tail, feet and crania. bird eggs in cage, canary feathers

  • Hair: acrylic


In a recurring dream, I needed to get from one place to another quickly and I fly. During this experience, I remember how free and quick flying feels and wonder why I do not do remember to do it (fly) more often. 
Three things contributed to the creation of this doll: My recurring dream, Information on the preserving of the bird wings et. al. from my friend, Janell Cannon, author and illustrator of four children's books including, "Stellaluna,"  and my wish to honor a friend's canary who died of old age. 

I had to rescale my pattern to fit the scale of the wings.  The large hands from which this figure emerges are modeled after my own hands.


I Remember I Can Fly
           © Jane Darin 1996

Ever do I search for You, my God
Through countless morning skies
Blushing in Your first light.
I taste Your nectar in perfumed grains
And in the sweet dew.

All day long I sing my song of longing.
As evening skies rush toward sunset,
I shelter on a strong branch.
Your stars glitter
In the darkest of nighttime skies.

Still I search for You, my Lord
Ever do I await Your presence.
Never do I notice;
You are all these things.
Imagine my surprise when
You come to smile at me
And I remember I can fly