In August of 1999,
I got a letter from the White House inviting me to make an ornament for
the Blue Room Christmas tree. The theme was a part of Mrs. Clinton's
" Save
America's Treasures" program and was to honor our founding
fathers, national monuments and significant events that defined and
shaped America. Some of the listed choices were Abraham Lincoln, George
Washington and Martin Luther King.
I wanted to do a woman I
admired, Georgia O'Keeffe. I called the
White House to ask if it had to be a political figure. When I mentioned
that Georgia O'Keeffe was my choice, Debby McGinn in the White House
Social Office told me that Mrs. Clinton had just had a Georgia O'Keeffe
painting hung in the White House that year. She had had a ceremony to
commemorate the first woman painter to have her work hung in the White