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Ode to Joy, one of the gypsy entertainer family. made for a show in Austria.
Ode to Joy is a dancer, an entertainer at a fair. She dances to the tunes of the fiddler.
Ode to Joy, a one of a kind finely crafted figurative sculpture in cloth.
Fiddler's One, a violinist of the first rank, plays his violin for Ode to Joy.
This fiddler is a collectible one of a kind figurative sculpture by Jane Darin.
A Tarot reader telling fortunes, an authentic one of a kind fabric sculpture. This tarot reader can tell your fortune. she is a one of a kind contemporary art doll by Jane Darin. The Coalition Candidate is another one of a kind collectible artwork. The Coalition Candidate is the political member of the family.

Main Photo Above


1 & 2. - Ode to Joy
3 & 4. - Fiddler's One

5. - none
6 & 7. - Coalition Candidate
8 & 9. - You Really Need a Vacation

9 8 7 6 5
This family of gypsy entertainers was one of my first themed projects. At the time, they represented many innovations in my career in making dolls. One was the study of facial expression which included open mouths. Another was the use of wire, batting and nylons to produce furniture. A third was printing fabric with my computer. An fourth was developing movement with a secure armature. 

These pieces are sold.


  • Size: 13" tall female figures; 15" tall males

  • Face: hand dyed Swiss pima cotton knit, needle sculpted

  • Base: various sizes. white oak, wood, cloth

  • Accessories: Tarot table and chair: wire batting, nylons, gesso and acrylic paint. Banner: cloth run through a printer and hand colored, Violin, bow and case: miniature pre-made

  • Hair: hand-dyed wool

  • Series: The Gypsy Entertainers


When I was invited to make some pieces for an exhibition in a castle in Austria, the theme was "Markets and Bazaars." I decided all markets and bazaars needed entertainers and developed this family of Gypsy Entertainers.
Ode to Joy was the first of the four figures I finished and I still feel happy every time I look at her. Her facial expression has just the right amount of innocence mixed with knowledge that I wished to capture. I experimented with brushing dye onto the face fabric directly after the face was sculpted and before it was painted. I chose the yellow fabric for her face because it blended the best with her clothes. The dye applied directly helped to tone the color to exactly what I wanted. She has so much life I sometimes think she will lift right off that toe. (Notice that her shoes match her belt.)
     The rumor is that while she dances to the fiddler’s tune, she pines for notice from the Coalition Candidate. This is just a rumor because in truth these are her brothers. And the tarot reader is her mother. But there, I’ve told you a story and I promised them mum was the word!

      I especially wanted the hand positions of Fiddler One, the second piece in this series to be correct. A friend who teaches violin helped me. His hat was an experiment. I used wire wrapped with stuffing to create the brim and crown. (Notice that his hat and shoes match.) I enjoyed using fabric with images of musical instruments.
      The one dollar bills in his violin case are silk screened; a lucky find at a gift shop. I added imitation ten-dollar gold pieces. So far he has earned thirty-three dollars with his music.

      Since the Coalition Candidate carries a banner proclaiming "Unity in Diversity", I made his clothing colors exemplify this: a yellow-orange coat with a blue-violet shirt and a red tie with green socks. His coat fits like that of Charlie Chaplin’s Little Tramp. One innovation at the time I made him, is an open mouth showing teeth. 

      This tarot reader is called You Really Need a Vacation and has an expression of warning and surprise, because she has just peeked at the card she is about to turn over. It is the Tower, which means a breakdown or sudden change. The rest of the reading also points to a much-needed vacation.