This shaman dances around an open fire. He represents that magical part we all have that knows we are all connected and appears when we go through
major changes in our lives just before a transformation. Those times when
we seem to lose our sense of direction.
This figure is also a tribute to a brave female
duck who survived an attack by a coyote and although mortally wounded, escaped,
and who died shortly afterward of a broken back. My friend Donna was raising
the four ducks. During
the coyote attack, the three male ducks got carried away by the pack of
coyotes. The fourth, a
small female, escaped. When she died, Donna gave the duck to me and I prepared the body parts.
Joe and I airbrushed the wings in colors to enhance the overall effect
since female duck wings are pretty bland and lack iridescence. I want you
to know this whole story because I'm aware of the restrictions about using
feathers unless they are from domestic fowl or I am an American Indian
with a tradition. I would never break those rules. Many of the feathers I
have used on various pieces have been collected at the Del Mar fairgrounds
in the bird barns or from feathers left as "presents" of nature
in my back yard near the bird feeder or from my own and friends parrots.
One Saturday morning shortly before this piece
was finished, I woke at 5:30 AM with the a poem in my head. You see, it
was a period of great transformation in my life as well.