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These two pieces are part of a series of masked unicorns. After I created the female unicorn and she sold right away, it suddenly dawned on me that the unicorn race couldn't be reborn without a male. 

I was born under a rock you see and as a teenager still believe somehow in spite of a very good high school biology teacher that all dogs were male and cats were female. I digress.

They are both sold.


  • Size: female: 18" tall - overall 22"; male: 21" tall - overall 25"

  • Face: needle sculpted Swiss pima cotton knit fabric, hand painted 

  • Base: female: 16" x 16" x 3 oak; male:12" x 14" wood, fabric, wood balls, hand dyed silk ribbon, dried flowers sprigs

  • Accessories: masks: Swiss pima cotton knit; female: hand turned oak newel posts; male: pocket watch, chain, fib, silk ribbon cravat

  • Hair: hand-dyed wool yarn


     This was one of my first pieces. At the time I had a large collection of unicorns and noticed that they were all male. No wonder the species had became extinct. I decided to do a female figure first and to use the skills I had learned to make a unicorn mask. And since it was both of our debuts, I envisioned her coming down a staircase from a ball. I have always thought that everyone needs a grand staircase down which to come in her best dress.

      My husband Joe, like many men his age, was downsized from his job. It was a major shock to both of us. After spending two years looking for new work in his field without success, he decided to help me market my work as he continued to job search. When we began to notice success in marketing my work, Joe decided to devote all his time to managing the promotion and sales of my work and to develop a web page. Redux, The Gentleman on the Stone Steps, evolved at about this same time. His amused expression and the five balls somehow seemed to say, I wondered when you would realize this is the way to do it. Perhaps the balls represent the many tasks that need to be juggled to sell art work.
      Many times I asked myself to create a poem for this piece, to no avail. It just would not come.