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Untitled, a three Dimensional Artwork sculpted in cloth and using the new D'Uva Paints on the body and face.
A contemporary art fabric sculpture, a wonderful gift idea.
Space, time and movement in this woman's artwork by Jane Darin.
Fine art in the form of a three dimensional figurative cloth sculpture.
Golden amber in the hands of this three dimensional figurative sculpture in cloth.
Decorative arts, figurative sculptures, collectibles, modern art. It is hard to define Untitled. An art work for collectors of all kinds of arts - Untitled. Professional women's arts - Untitled, a one of a kind contemporary artwork. Museum quality 3D art dolls - Untitled.
Untitled - a finely crafted figurative art doll done with textiles and mixed media.
She isn't called, "Untitled" because she has no name; she is "Untitled" because she is in the midst of becoming.  

Have you hit times in your life like this? 

Does she remind you of the fear and the pleasure of those special periods when you have just "undone" your self image and don't know who the "new you" is yet? 


This Doll is available to purchase! If interested, please email us at


"Your dolls are so expressive. I enjoy and admire the way that you are able to express your self through your dolls; not only by the doll but the combined elements of mood, ideas and your stories and poetry 
that you include."
                                    Erin Farquhar

  • Size: 12" tall figure

  • Face: needle sculpted Swiss pima cotton knit, hand painted  with D'UVA pigments

  • Base: 8" x 13" x 2 ½" wood, fabric

  • Accessories: oval shaped piece of Baltic amber

  • Hair: mohair

  • Body: hand dyed fabrics


Outside the window of my studio was an old board fence in the deep gray color  like the bark of winter trees.  On this fence we grew a grape vine. One spring as I gazed out the window thinking I was enraptured with the contrast of colors, the almost neon yellow-green of the vines against the dullest of the dark fence boards. I've remembered that coloration and used it in this piece to express the wonder of new growth before it differentiates down individual paths. To me the ultimate shape of this phenomenon is the lingam or egg shape which Untitled holds in her hands.