Nun Doll Accessories
Cross Necklace
- 1" cross charm, gold, silver
or pewter*
- Fine gold or silver chain
- Clasp to match chain
- One small jump ring
- Jeweler pliers (needlenose pliers
will work in a pinch)
Put jump ring into hole on top of charm
and close with pliers.
Slide chain through jump ring. Attach clasp on both ends
of chain.
*Purchase tiny crosses in the bead department
or on the charm display rack at your local fabric or craft
store. Directions for making your own cross are below.
Homemade Cross
- Small piece gold textured vinyl
- Jewelry eye pin
- Glue (Fabri-tac, Grrrip, or tacky
white glue work best)
- Gold paint
On the back
of the vinyl draw a cross (1" high works
well for most dolls) and cut out.
Put glue on wrong side. Place
the eye pin on the wrong side with the eye just
above the top of the cross.
Put cross with eye pin onto
another piece of vinyl WST with the eye above
the edge of the 2nd piece of vinyl.
Cut out back of cross to match the front and cut
off any excess pin so it doesn't extend below
the bottom of the cross.
- If necessary, paint edges of
vinyl with gold paint to match.
Earring hoop (1")
designed to slide beads on
3 miniature key charms
5 jump rings (1 large
- ¼" diameter)
1" heavy chain
Put jump ring on loop at top of each
key. Slide keys onto earring hoop. Attach chain to hoop
with jump ring. Put largest jump ring on other end of chain
and slide belt cord through it to attach to waist of doll.
- 53 - 2 mm pearls (a)

- 6 - 2 mm black beads (b)

- 75 - size 11 or smaller transparent
seed beads (c)

- 1" cross charm
- 1 fancy metallic bead to match
- Black Nymo beading thread
- Beading needle
- Using doubled thread with
tail knot at one end, put beads on in the following
*(2c, 1a, 1c, 1a, 1c, 1a, 1c, 1a, 1c, 1a, 1c,
1a, 1c, 1a, 1c, 1a, 1c, 1a, 1c, 1a, 2c, 1b)
- Repeat from * 4 times, leaving
off last 1b. Go through fancy metallic bead, 2c,
1b, 2c, 1a, 1c, 1a, 1c, 1a, 2c, 1b, 2c, and through
the loop on the cross. Go back up through the
beads in reverse order, through the fancy metallic
bead, and tie a knot with the beginning tail knot.
Go back through the first 10 pearls to hide end
of thread. Rosary should look like picture when
finished. This is also worn at the waist, so slide
the cord belt through the rosary.