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Dollmaker's Journey

November 2002 Issue Seventeen

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November 2002 Issue Seventeen


Copyright 2002 by Dollmaker's Journey

Dollmaker's Journey Customer Connection newsletter is a free e-mail newsletter. Tell your friends, family and fellow dollmakers about us, and feel free to forward this newsletter to those who might be interested. Visit out companion website:

** Notice! **
You can now read all the past issues online. Go to:
The archives include an easy to follow index to all the past issues.


Dear dollmaker friends,

As the holidays draw near, our thoughts turn to family and friends.  In this newsletter you will find gift ideas for children and grandchildren, along with fun ideas for using apples, tomato cages and some tips to organize your workspace.  We love collecting information to share with you and really appreciate hearing any ideas you wish to share with us as we're all on this grand dollmaker's journey together.

Mary Ann and Bonnie




We've got the best customers in the world and we're stuck on you! At long last we have our favorite GRRRIP GLUE in stock. From now through December 15th we are including a FREE BOTTLE of GRRRIP with every order of $40 (before shipping) or more - a $5.00 value! You will not see it on your order form, but we'll be sure to send it.



G Street Doll Club will be sending dolls to Afghanistan in the middle of December.  They will be hand delivered and distributed to children in need.  Here are some guidelines. First, because of the culture of Afghanistan, the dolls cannot be "explicit" in any way -- no breasts, no sexy legs, no "painted ladies", etc., etc.  Additionally, the dolls should not be extraordinarily large as space needs to be considered.  They are also looking for stuffed animals, balls, or other toys which would be appropriate for boys since they don't play with dolls.  Secondly, they must be durable!!  If you decide to make a brand new doll for this project, then I would suggest that you double stitch your seams.  After all, these dolls are going to endure much wear-and-tear.  If you have a doll already made that you want to contribute, please just give it a "once over" to be certain that it will last.  You might want to make some adjustments, or add some stitching...  This is a great chance to round up some of those stray body parts or faces that didn't quite work and put them to good use. Email Carolyn Moore at for more information.



The Fantastique Boutique has a glittering threads beginning dollmaker's challenge.  Dolls need to be finished and photographed by February 2003.  Complete directions for this challenge can be found at their website at:  

A customer queried me and asked which beginning patterns would be suitable for this challenge.  I thought other dollmakers might be interested to know which patterns we selected.  If you have a beginning dollmaker on your holiday list, it might be fun to create a gift basket complete with pattern and basic doll supplies including fabric, stuffing, thread, hair, etc. Here is my reply:

The following patterns which we carry at Dollmaker's Journey are suitable for the beginning dollmaker challenge.  Go to our website at Under designers click on any name on this list where you wish to see a color picture of their pattern. 


Sandra Corson-Walker - The Dream Spirit

Doug and Barb Keeling - Sparkle, The Body Shop, Breeze

Nancy Gibbs - primitive folk art dolls Mariah and Emily Jane

Judi Ward - Isabella Helen, Candlestick Clarice, Serena

Valarie Garber - Leap and the Net Will Appear, Molly Mermaid, Tango

Mary Ann Kaahanui - Illuminata, Mignon, Giggles, Mattie and May, La Coquette Bobette ,   My Hero

Judy Skeel - Wally Mama's, Embellished Angel

Shari Lutz - Little Miss Columbia, Elizabeth Jayne Amerika

Anne Hesse - Knobbies

Kathleen Chrisman - Celeste

Jesse Chandler - Geometric Jester

Heather Gailey - Celebration Pin Doll, The Winsome Warrior, Star Gazer, Tip Toe Petunia,  Twisted Sister 2

Sandra Blake - Sisi

Sylvia Schorr - Queen of Fairies, Little Cheryl, Lady Windmier Pincushion, Clair, Clown Pincushion, The Jester, Maggie Pincushion

Lisa Hertzi - Any pattern

Karen Shifton - Twinkle Toes

Paula Stokes - Dorothy, Wicked Witch, Thin Tin Man, Not So Cowardly Lion, Tennessee ScareCrow , Glenda GoodWitch

Anna Hammond - Scarf Mermaid, Junk Yard Dog, Hanging Santa

Mary Thomas - Tribal Dancer, Maasai Dancer

Gabe Cyr - Wordsmith, Gemini

Bobbi Chukran - Any pattern

Lynne Butcher - Mammogram Slam, Polly, Kid Stuff, Fairy Bread, Clowning Around, Fairy Chain

Jane Coughlan - Sitting Pretty, Lizzie Goes Shopping, Dazzling Dolls, Christmas Tree Toppers

Sherry Goshon - Holly Candy Bag, Little Old Stocking and Ornament, Penelope, Nathan, Jeri's Angel, Goldie, Natalie, Just My Santa, Mitzi, Baby Butterfly, Mother and Daughter Quilting, Jacque the Winter Pixie, Liz Beth

Sandy Miller - Toots, Whimsey , Myrddin , Dainty, Buttercup, Beauty

Leta Benedict - Any pattern

Marilyn Nicholson - Constance, Nadiva - Noble Angel, French Court Lady

Andrea Perkins - Fabric Fanatic Doll Pin, Snow Babies Ornament

Barb Spencer - Hitty

Patti-Anne Stanley - The Tinys , Sassy Sarah

JoAnn Law - Kimono Handkerchief Doll

Donna Schramek - Chelsea of the Chesapeake Bay

Orinda Spence - Tiny Tude , Lorelei

Jody Kieffer - German and French Pindolls

Dollmaker's Journey - Hattie

Bonnie B. Lewis - Ethnic Pindolls

Julie Booth - Flora and Fauna, Jazzy



We are so excited to be bringing you the stimulating designs of PAMELA HASTINGS. Each of her intriguing patterns becomes a canvas on which to display your creative embellishment skills - so many possibilities! Check out her fabulous array of patterns including her newest release - the extraordinary "Hot Flash!"

To see a picture of Pamela and read her biography go to:

We've been waiting a long time to bring you DEV VALLENCOURT'S "Right Jolly Old Elf" a superbly designed freestanding Santa with a unique poseable bald head. You're going to love this charming fellow!  Here's what customer Mary Rogers had to say about this delightful pattern - I made up Dev Vallencourt's"A Right Jolly Old Elf" last night.  What a perfect pattern!  Great directions and perfectly drafted patterns.  Pass the word that there's still plenty of time to make this guy up before the real Santa comes for a visit. 
Sincerely yours, Mary Rogers - vallencourt

From JEVNE EILTS we have a beautiful new face mold called "Ariana" and a selection of two different fairy bodies to go with it. You're sure to enjoy this lovely cloth over clay project.

From MARY KOCHEVAR'S Forest Hollow Studio we have 3 patterns with personality plus.

"Bob Boomer" is a charmer with a middle aged spread, "Vintage Veronica" is a 15-1/2" cloth fashion doll designed to wear vintage doll clothes patterns, and last, but certainly not least is "Millie - Goddess of the Millennium" who you'll have to see to believe. Stop by and see them all at

NANCY GIBBS of Jericho Mountain Folkart has finally released her first two patterns for her lovely, gently aged folkart dolls "Emily Jane" and "Mariah." We know you'll enjoy them as much as we do.



TUSCALOOSA, Alabama -University of Alabama's Museum of Natural History will display international dolls dating back to the 1880s, Nov. 5 - Dec. 20, in Smith Hall, Sixth Avenue on The University of Alabama campus. For more information, phone 205/348-7550 or visit the web site,

KANSAS CITY, Kansas - Kansas City Doll Fair ~ the Art of the Doll, will be held March 28-30, 2003.  For more information go to:

CONCORD, New Hampshire - WOW (Week of Workshops) will be held June 1-6, 2002

C3 '03 (Classic Cloth Conference) will be September 7-10, 2003.  For more information contact, AADAF, 73 N Spring St, Concord, NH 03302, 603-226-4501   e-mail < >

ENSENADA, Baja California, Mexico - Baja Doll Fiesta - May 9 - 12, 2003 For more information contact Carole Grant - or Donna Nordquist -

To save yourself time and energy, get all the details on the upcoming doll related events above and many more by visiting Karen Samuelson's CLOTH DOLL CONNECTION website at:



Our newest designer, PAMELA HASTINGS, is treating you to a FREE pattern called "Quirky Guy". Print it out at:

Bonnie is creating a little pioneer doll for her 4-year-old granddaughter to remind her of her heritage.  You can find Emily's FREE pattern along with a touching story at:

One of the most popular series of books for the elementary school age child has a super hero called Captain Underpants.  Bonnie adapted "Baby Bobble", a pattern by Meo Feroy , and is making a Captain Underpants doll for each of her six grandsons for Christmas.  They will receive a different book in the series along with the doll. Bonnie put her grandson's spare pair of underpants on the Xerox machine so she could figure out how to change it to fit a doll.  He was a little upset, and told his Mom Grandma stole his underpants.  (I did give them back later.)  Directions for underwear, a cape, and how to change the pattern can be found at:  Be warned.  He is a little risqué because he is just wearing underwear, but children love him.  Look if you dare!



For anyone wondering how to make a large Santa or Angel for Christmas using a tomato cage for a base, check out:,1789,HGTV_3242_1370873,00.html

This was a Carol Duvall show on HGTV several years ago with Dian Thomas. Episode CDS-541 tells you step by step with lots of pictures how to create a doll using a tomato cage.

Carolyn Moore offers the following suggestions based on her experience:

1. It helps to wrap the wires with strips of batting, and then add a "tent" of batting (or felt) around the structure before dressing the angel (or whatever else you're making). Otherwise the wires can be felt through the costume, and it doesn't have a really finished effect. Wrap spots where the wire cage meets at various "joints" with masking tape before using the batting strips. 

2.  Use the top of the cage to form the angel's neck.  I wrapped it with felt to give me something to sew the head onto.  Also, I just made a cloth head, and covered it with a little Paperclay .  I wanted to keep the quality of cloth, but also make the angel a little bit porcelain-like. 

3.  Instead of using wire for arms, try making very small arms just out of cloth to just peek out from under the angel's jacket. 


1. Frankie in Florida created a ghost for Halloween. She put a 6" Styrofoam ball on top, dip a sheet in fabric stiffener and drape over the cage, shaping the sheet the way she wanted while still wet.  Use a black permanent marker to create the face. 

2. Create a wire sculpture angel by using coat hangers for wings and halo.  Then wrap the wire form with lights, one color for the dress and white or gold lights for the head and wings, for a beautiful outdoor display.

3. You could cover the wire cage with Christmas lights and fill it with greenery for a different looking porch decoration.



by Jane Darin

Editor's Note:  Jane Darin recently appeared on the Carol Duvall Show on HGTV.  It is Episode #1314 - Soft Sculpture Dolls. Many people commented on her organized studio and wall of fabric.  Jane has agreed to share some of her organizational ideas, along with her experience of what it was like to be on TV.  Here are some of her thoughts:

Thanks to everyone who wrote to me about the Carol Duvall show. Since I have gotten many emails asking me the same questions about the segment I was on, I thought I'd answer them here.

First, I'll begin with the butterflies. They are gone, of course. I couldn't believe how good and smooth and relaxed they made everything look between the cuts to the dolls, the voice-overs and the footage of me working. I was thrilled with the results. They covered all the points I thought were important in my process: views from all the way around a piece, responding to color, and the communication set up between the artist and the viewer. We have found out how to put the taping on a CD and will do that.

Some have asked about my experience doing the segment. This is how the process went.

They first came to film one day last March for 6 hours. They had a sound man, a camera man and a director, Eric Wallace, who promised they'd make me look good. They filmed the segments of me working first in my "clean" studio. (It usually looks this way. I'm sorry, guys, but I'm a neat nick.)

Then they filmed the pieces of work I had gathered for them in the garage where Joe has his photo studio set up. Then they filmed an "interview" in the living room where Eric asked me questions and I answered. They told me to begin my answer with a sentence that contained the question.

After they left, I was exhausted. They called a few weeks later to say that they had shown it to the network and everyone was so happy with the results they wanted more footage. (Of course I immediately thought it really meant I had been terrible, they needed the footage to replace...well, you get the idea. It's all part of the nervousness I was feeling.) So, Eric came back alone to do "pick up" footage. He was here about three additional hours. Imagine 9 hours of filming for a 6 minute segment!

The piece, "Under the Magnolias," wasn't finished when they first came, but I had finished it by the time Eric came back and he was able to photograph it completed. I never met Carol Duvall. Our whole interaction was done in the editing room.

Several people asked about how I buy, store and use my materials.  I usually buy fat quarters, sometimes 1/2 yards. Since discovering I'm allergic to formaldehyde, I wash them before I put them on the shelves. The bookcases where they are stored are just regular, inexpensive, typical . They not only look inviting to me, but are easily accessible. As you could probably tell from the show, I have the fabrics sorted by color. That way I can easily select a grouping of colors to begin a new piece, which I do by bringing the stack to my table and going through it. I figured, "Hey, these are my paints. Why should they be hidden away in boxes? Just so no one will know how much I have?"

The bookcase are two different styles, one is just a 6 footer and two are double wide with a support down the vertical center. They have one support shelf that doesn't move near the middle. They are plain white - I think it's a Masonite surface. Washable. The shelves are about 12-15 inches apart. I think we bought an extra shelf for each bookcase. Originally they contained books before I began my stash. BS is Before Stash. Small scrapes are in the stacks or I send them to a quilt project I do for charity. I usually buy in fat quarters or at the most a half yard since I do one of a kind, I try not to repeat fabrics. I buy for the color and scale of the prints. When I start a project I move the colors I want to use stack by stack to my worktable and comb through them to match what looks good together. Thus scrapes are found as I lift each piece.

I do mix types of fabrics. Otherwise I'm looking in too many places for what I have. I do keep the leather separate and in its own box where I go for shoes and leather needs. I also do this with tapestry and heavy upholstery material. Then I store in bags together by color in separate drawers ribbons, buttons, beads, mohair's and yarns for hair. Laces I store by size in baggies.

The felting needles I used on the show for the hair were from Dollmaker's Journey. ( On Carol Duvall they don't let you tell names or sources.

Many people asked me about the paints I use. They are the DUVA powders. You may have heard me say this before. I'm thrilled with them and have used them on cloth, polymer clay and porcelain. They come as a powder and can be mixed with different liquids to form different textures of paint. I use a watercolor solvent, a Sumi ink solvent and mineral oil to get different results. It can be used on all types of material from paper to metal. The beauty of the powders is that when they dry on my palette, they return to powder and can be reused. Also, before they are heat set (I use a heat gun to set them.) they are completely erasable. I use an kneaded eraser. (I only erase after they are dry.) Once the powder is heat set, it's permanent. Some one asked if they could be used on wearable clothing and the answer is YES. You can also add more layers of color over a dried layer to create more depth. It doesn't change the "hand" of the fabric.

I was so thrilled with the paints when I first discovered them that I started to sell them. First, to help the small company that manufactures them and second, so I would be assured they'd be around when I needed more. (Since then I've discovered one set of bottles of powder lasts a VERY long time.) You can find a lot more information about them on my web site at And, if you're interested in getting some, you can order from me at my email address or by phone listed below.

Jane Darin  Jane Darin's Studio

Editor's Note:  If any of you want to contact the Carol Duvall Show and let them know that you liked the segment #1314 "Soft Sculpture Dolls” and would really like to see more about art dolls on TV, contact: Brandy Leigh Scott, Associate Producer,  "The Carol Duvall Show", 5200 Lankershim Blvd., Suite 500, North Hollywood, CA 91601. Her email address is: . Her phone number is (818) 755-4820 and her fax is (818) 755-4820. You feedback will ensure more quality programming in the future.



Dollmaker's Journey is heading off in some exciting new directions. We are thrilled to add 4 fabulous beaded projects from the amazing MARCIA ACKER-MISSALL. If you want to develop your beading skills, these detailed patterns with thorough written directions, diagrams, tips, resource list and color photo are just what you've been waiting for. Each pattern is like a personal class from Marcia! Why not treat yourself to one of these wonderful projects. Also you can click on a link to see all of Marcia's favorite beading sites.

SHERRY GOSHON has been busy again. "Holly - Not Just a Christmas Angel" is a 16" wall doll that doubles as a holiday candy holder. As an added bonus, you can now IRON ON Sherry's exquisite faces to your own dolls! Her selection of 3 different faces are sized to fit a number of her popular patterns including "Holly." At long last Sherry has released her Santa Press Mold for her spectacular "Victorian Santa." As an added bonus for this wonderful holiday project the body pattern includes patterns for a tiny teddy and cloth doll. Also check out Sherry's "Breezy”. This exquisite 9" full-figured beauty with separate fingers comes with 3 iron-on faces.  See everything at:

Just when you think the amazing CLAIRE-ELLEN can't possibly top herself she releases another extraordinary pattern. Start looking for a special spot in your home to seat her enchanting "Celtic Faerie."

Wait until you see what the talented PATTI LAVALLEY has done with silks, wired metallic ribbons and Tyvek! Her incredible "Earth Angel" even comes with a face transfer. You're going to love it!

The amazing KAREN SHIFTON has released three extraordinary new patterns - "Pawsha " an exotic Bengal Tiger, her very dashing "Puss 'n Boots" and a fabulous "Sky Dancer." Treat yourself to a wonderful doll making experience with any one of these incredible patterns!

Miniature enthusiasts are just going to love BARBARA GRAFF'S "Fine Equinery in Miniature" - her exquisite 12th scale perfectly shaped horse with so many possibilities - including a silk ribbon embroidered carousel horse. Also new from Barb this week - "Mermaids in Miniature" - her darling poseable sea creatures.



I loved the idea of using optic fibers for hair. What an intriguing idea!!  But I could not get the web site to work.  The last journal was full, full of goooood stuff!!  I got stuck for tooo long looking at everything.  Enjoyed every minute.  The Nolan dolls are fabulous.  Judy Tiller

OOPS! Several people mentioned that the link to Liberty Distribution didn't work.  The correct URL is:   with a - instead of a .   Thanks for bringing it to my attention.  Hugs, Bonnie B. Lewis

Bonnie - responding  to  your request of our opinions....I ADORE your newsletter. I read it and re-read it. I send quips from it to asst. friends. I order things from it. In the issue I just read I was especially "taken" by the Nolan life sized dolls!  I have a pair of them (made by my sister 12 yrs. ago when I married) They look exactly like the two of us...but about 6 yrs. after marrying, I gained  a TON of weight, so she sneaked the doll of me away and redid it so it's now obese like I am !!!!! boo hoo . They relax on the front porch in chairs all summer...I sometimes change their clothes, I clothe the husband in Santa's suit for Christmas. *(when we first put them out, we sometimes came home and found them in compromising positions on the lawn !!! crazy farmers here !

I know doing the newsletter is time consuming...but I adore it and thank you for doing this.

I also agree with your comments about We Folk...didn't we all have fun. I wish it were annually.....and I enjoyed meeting you guys ooooops other thing you wrote this issue that was particularly good info was about using the Pyrex dish etc. when baking Fimo ....(prior to this I just threw warnings to the wind and decided if we all die of Fimo poison...oh well..............

Best regards from the mountains of NY where we have snow today. Vikki Murray

LOVE your newsletter -- it's always fun to see the newest edition in my mailbox!

I have a question - would it be possible to use some of your information in your newsletters to include in some of my newsletters? I do not have trouble finding things to put in ours, and trying to get members to contribute is like pulling teeth. I'm sure you understand what I'm saying! You always have great sites to visit, and I know my doll club members would be thrilled to read and see some of what you offer. There are a few members who do not have computers and I'd hate to see them miss out on some of your fantastic news, and the great web sites you find. Where do you find them? Do you have a source or method for finding them? They are truly fantastic! Please let me know.

Miss Sadie said, "hi!, and she misses you!"; but she is happy with her new-found friends here in Baltimore! BTW, I took Miss Sadie on her first outing  (doll club meeting) this past Monday and everyone was thrilled to meet her! She had a ball with all the other dollmakers and seeing so many new (doll) friends. They got along famously! Hugs and smiles, Bunnie Pickett

Dear Bunnie - I am so glad Miss Sadie feels at home.  (ed . note - Bunnie won Miss Sadie, our prototype doll, at We Folk of Cloth.) Feel free to use things from our newsletter for your club.  Just be sure and credit Dollmaker's Journey for the source.  I get web sites from several lists I am on, as well as surfing the net to find out specific information. 

Hugs, Bonnie B. Lewis (


JUST FOR FUN (Apples aren't just for the kitchen)

Apple head dolls have been a folk craft since the early American period.  Here are two sites on how to make them:

Here are some other ideas to get you started.  It is a great project to do with children.

1.  Peel a very firm apple.  Insert a wire loop through the top of the apple with two ends coming out the bottom.  This can be the beginning of a wire armature.  You can also hang the apple by the loop to dry.

2.  Soak the apple in lemon juice for about 15 minutes.  This prevents it from turning brown too quickly.  (NOTE:  the heads will naturally turn black in 8 to 10 years.)

3.  Carve an exaggerated face with slits for eyes and a mouth.  As the apple dries the face becomes smaller and wrinkled.

4.  Put each apple face back into the lemon juice to soak for about 15 minutes longer.

5.  Hang the apple in a cool dry place.  You can also use a food dehydrator to speed up the process.  As the apple dries you can gently mold the features so they dry the way you want.  Shaping the head at the rubbery stage really helps bring out the character of the doll. Be careful not to break the surface of the "skin”.

6.  Inserting teeth and eyes - after the apple has dried for several days it will feel soft and rubbery. You can cut tiny slits in the mouth and insert pearl seeds beads for teeth.  As the apple continues to dry, it will firmly hold the beads in place. You can also insert eyes into the eye slits.  You can use pearls, black headed pins (cut the pin short), black-eyed peas, rice, unpopped corn kernels, and larger seed beads (size E).

7.  Hang the apple up to finish drying. This can take up to three weeks, depending on the humidity in your area. You can add color to the cheeks and lips with water colors when it is just about dry. The finished head will be a golden brown color and very hard. Seal the apple with matt polyurethane or varnish to preserve it a little longer. If the head does turn black, you can always seal it again and paint it with acrylics.

8.  Dried corn silk makes great natural looking hair. You can also use whole cloves, inserting them in the head before drying like you would a pomander ball.  I have seen dolls with Fiberfil, fleece, mohair, yarn, embroidery floss, etc. for hair.  Just use your imagination.

9.  Linda Kertzman suggested coring the apples before carving.  After they are dried if you quickly dip the apple into a pot of boiling water, like only for a second, it seems to make them much more realistic and resilient. I would do this before adding lip and cheek color in Step 7.

Well, there you have it.  Check out the websites at the beginning of this for clothing and armature ideas.  But most of all, have fun!



GLORIA "MIMI"WINER - "In a few days I am off to New Hampshire for the AADA Fall Festival Annual Board Meeting then rush home to finish the 35 things still on the to-do list before checking into hospital for the other knee replacement surgery on Nov 6th. I expect to be back "on the road" again by March and will teach the draping a sculpted figure (no sculpting experience necessary) at WOW in May. I just taught this class at We Folk and it was very well received. The evaluations of my class set me up on clouds for the entire week! I had great students, that makes a big difference. Happy Holidays everyone!

You can see Gloria's patterns at:

JUDI WARD - She put a Holiday Baby Project on her picture trail website. 

Lets Make a Baby and Baby Hand Lesson are available at:

Check out some of Judi's other patterns at:

NOREEN CRONE-FINDLAY- She just created her first website.  If you click on the 'self published books' button, you'll be able to see some of her new dollies, a dragon, Pegasus, and unicorn among others :-) which are woven on a potholder loom. 

You can see more of her patterns at:



NEW MAGAZINES- Art Doll Quarterly will be available May 1, 2003. Sharilyn Miller, editor of Somerset Studio® and Belle Armoire®, will take the helm of this full-color, 144-page publication dedicated to the art doll. While the focus of the magazine will be on cloth dolls, dolls of mixed and new media will be included.

Dolls United is a new interactive CD-ROM magazine:

VIDEO - Great news for fans of Lisa Lichtenfels and her work: The "AMA", Soft Sculpture Body Construction Techniques of Lisa  Lichtenfels   is ready to ship. This two-tape video with almost five and one-half hours of instruction shows all aspects of building a body in soft sculpture. It includes basic anatomy, the shapes and placement of bones and muscles. It gives directions for creating a wire skeleton that you can pose and balance; and there are directions for building muscles in batting and for layering nylon as realistic skin. $67 in the US, $68 (US) in Canada, $86 (US) Overseas (add $16 for PAL format), Send check or money-order to
Lisa Lichtenfels
PO Box 90537
Springfield, MA 01139-0537 USA

BOOK - "Angel Crafts Book" has 47 projects including several cloth dolls. It is available at most book stores and would make a great Christmas gift. Copyright 2002, ISBN number  1-56496-852-9

TOOLS - Barb Keeling told us about some neat tool kits.  Everything on the website is $14.99 or less.  Check out the Crafter's Tool Set - Item #14044, It has stapler, hammer, glue gun, screw driver various sizes, scissors, cutter, measurer, etc. all neatly tucked into a great carry case.  They also have a "Ladies tool set" - item #14049 -  all tools with pink handles and a pink carry case.  Bonnie ordered lots of things here for Christmas. 

MOHAIR - Sand Castle Toys is a toy, doll and mohair shop.  Many doll artists use their wefted, unwefted, custom-dyed mohair.  This is a site recommended by Judi Ward. Check it out at:      

DISCOUNT CRAFT SUPPLIES - The following companies allow you to purchase craft supplies, including doll items, for wholesale prices without ordering huge amounts.  Some prices are adjusted depending on the amount you purchase.

      Factory Direct: :

      Sunshine Discount Crafts:     

      Create for Less:

DOLSKIN - This is the fabric needed to make Captain Underpants.  Windsor Comfort will also work. Here are some places that carry it:

CR's Crafts - (You can order a sample fabric card by clicking on doll body fabric and then sample card.  They will send you a sample of all the colors and fabrics they carry for doll bodies.)

Keelings Krafts -

Sisters and Daughters -

Meo Feroy , who designed Baby Bobble, sells Dolskin for $9.00 a yard on her shop on Ebay .  You can see it at:

N-Stitches -

James Thompson and Co., Inc., a firm in New York City, sells it by the bolt -

DOLL EYES - Masterpiece Eye Company has soft "glass” flexible doll eyes perfect for Porcelain, Sculpey , and inset eyes in cloth dolls.  Right now for new customers if you purchase one set of eyes you will receive a second pair of your choice free.  Check them out at


HELPFUL HINT for those who fly (it even works at home).  "I took some doll heads to stuff on board. Of course you can NOT take a stuffing tool on the plane, BUT what I did take was a new not sharpened pencil.  It made the best stuffing tool.  I used the eraser end to push the stuffing into the head. IT IS WONDERFUL.  The eraser "holds onto the stuffing" and was super to use as a stuffer.  In fact think I shall now keep a pencil as part of my stuffing tools.  In fact am going to look for a "fatter" pencil that would be even stronger.  I didn't end up breaking the pencil I was using,  but I can see that could happen.  I stuff really really hard.  But I was able to do so even with just the pencil.”  Barb Keeling  

Check out some of Barb's delightful patterns at:



Bonnie flew to Utah in November to help her mother, who is 84 this year.  In fact, this newsletter was written on her Mom's computer.  Her mom loved the Emily doll with all the proper Pioneer clothes, but had grave reservations about the Captain Underpants doll.  She said he needed some clothes, because a cape wasn't enough.  Bonnie also entered Sylvia Schorr's Miss Galaxy 2003 contest.  When she showed her Mom pictures of her entry, her mother said Astaria from Andromeda needed more clothes too and wanted her to cover up the belly button, which was a beautiful star jewel.  I guess you can't please everyone all the time.

Mary Ann's sister Barbara has recovered rapidly from her recent brain surgery and is already happily back to work teaching.  It was another Stage 3 cancerous tumor, but they think they got it all this time.  Mary Ann has been trying to accomplish the 1001 things necessary for putting her house on the market this week and she has already found a new place to buy.  She expects the next couple of weeks to be wildly hectic, but her first priority will always be to get the orders out as quickly as possible. One thing's for sure, there is never ever a dull moment at Dollmaker's Journey!


Ken Maxwell designed a great program for his wife where you can create doll faces using lots of different eyes, noses, mouths, etc. He has offered to share it for free at:

If you have any problems, you can email him at:

Home and Garden Television ( has a lot of doll related shows and projects you might enjoy at the following link:,1788,HGTV_3242,00.html

The doll in Tuck Everlasting, designed by Gail Wilson, is available in a kit form at:

"A room of your own" - 200 women were given a 14 x 14 box to embellish and design their dream room.  It is fun to see what they created.


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by Susan Barmore

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